I don't know why I'm little a bit excited with this end of the semester of Part 3.
Part 3 dah banyak aku ajar macam-macam. Pahit manis maung (Bapak Cliche ayat aku).
Segala muka tebal macam kitab ngan tembok semua aku dah buat.
Yes, Semua orang cakap Part 3 ni semester paling tough. Aku pon rasa macam tu.
Tapi bagi aku, Part 3 ni aku baru betul-betul belajar apa tu masscomm.
Like seriously fuck, I know nothing about this freaking course.
The only reason kenapa aku pilih course ni sebab aku nak Masuk UiTM je. And this is my last shot, no matter what, Aku suka ke tak.. Aku kena buat yang terbaik.
Honestly, Aku tak study and tak buat sepatah haram pon assignments since Part 1 coz aku tak minat dengan course ni. But friends taught me alot. So damn much. I can't repay anything as much as they did to me.
Now.... I have made a little promise. A new determination. A new hope.
Fuck all the bad past experiences, all those lies, all those trust.
Hail the new determination, new hope, new faith.
Ludah Idea

- Zakwan Khidzir
- Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia
- Semua ini lahir dari jari jemari kaku.
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