yes, nobody..
dont try to be perfect.
coz you live just once.
If you trying to make everything goes perfect.
Then u just wasted the most precious moment in ur life.
so be a fool,
keep doing mistake like kids love to.
Yeah, we are now adults.. But that doesn't mean u can never be a kid back.
I miss those day i was a kid. N now i am regret because i was trying to be perfect back at that time.
Those mistake and fools u ever did in ur entire life.. are the things that u are going to learn to be a better person. Those are the things that you going to laugh when u remembered it.
So if u are perfect, EVERYBODY perfect.
There are nothing to be laugh for and nothing for u to learn. So be a kid, kid doesn't afraid to do mistake. Instead, they will laugh at their own foolishness.
So if someone hate u.. its okay.. coz nobody is perfect. Deals with it.
And if u don't like someone.. Bare in mind.. No one is perfect.
P/S : menda ni aku trase nk wat lepas aku trbace post aizat (from now on i'll try call him spec/aizat haha) and huda @ kak long. Kalo ikotkan.. aku mls senanya nk wat menda alah ni..
tp disebabkan aku xleyh tido walaopon azan subuh da berkumandang.. aku rse ada baeknya aku practice karangan aku.. haha
k.. back 2 the topic.
mls r nk sentuh jaoh2 smpi msk bab2 agama.. amek yg common sense sudah ar sbgai renungan anda sumer. Dlm al-quran pown ckp xda saper yg perfect. Mulia cmner pown korang.. korang takkan perfect.. Nabi Muhammad yg mulia pown xperfect ( Pada asl nyer beliau xreti mengaji. Beliau di ajar mengaji oleh malaikat).
Manusia pown xsesuci mne.. kiter sumer kluar dari rahim berhampiran tempat saluran najis pompwan(except kalo yg dibedah kwar kat perot.. haha..)
So.. xpayah la korang cube nk jadi perfect or cube cari tempat yg perfect utk korang..
Bosan weyh kalo korang idop nk epy jer memanjang.. standard ar.. sumer orang penah emo.
Sumer owg penah wat salah. Sometimes kiter pown xsedar yg kiter penah wat salah.
♪...when you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there.. life is not a race so take it slower... hear the music before the song is over..♪
*taken from my previous post.. my awesome lyrics! haha*.
Ludah Idea

- Zakwan Khidzir
- Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia
- Semua ini lahir dari jari jemari kaku.
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