Fifa10 is just around the corner.
Everyone, well at least most of my friends are crazy about it.
Bukannya aku x minat bola, minat tu minat tp tak sampai ke tahap obsess r.
Aku slalu men bola time kat skola dlu.. of coz r, mostly laki mmg men bola time kecik2 dlu.
Tp aku rse xsalah kan kalo laki x tgk football match?
cme, aku nyer passion kat video game da mmg start since aku 3 tahun lagi.
Mse tuh kat Taiwan, Bapak aku belikan PC utk family aku sbb die ngn mak aku ni buta IT gak r.
So die xnak ank2 die jd cam die. Keje tinggi2 tp kureng psl tech2 nih.
1) Game pertama aku men time, Top Gun. Serious game tuh susah gler. Aku yg still bdk kecik of coz excited nk men n dok kemaruk men game everyday pakai joystick pilot. huhu mmg bez siot time kecik2 pengang menda tuh, rse cam pilot betol.. haha
2) then aku men game street fighter (game ke-2 aku men). Start dr game ni la aku start jd competitive dlm sumer menda. Mse tuh aku slalu kne buli ngn abg aku yg slalu pakai Chun lee. ntah wateva r nme die. Then aku cbe r sumer character dlm game tuh smpi dpt kalahkan die. karakter aku pakai kaler hijau rambut merah, brock ke pe nta nme die.. leyh kwar elektrik2 kat bdn die.. aku buli abg aku smpi die nanges ow.. haha.. last2 aku kne sound ngn mak aku sbb ejek2 die smpi die nanges.
3) Game ke 3 aku men ialah starcraft. Time ni umo aku 7 tahun. Mse aku blk Msia, Umo aku 4 tahun... tp tbe2 cmner ntah pc yg kitorang bwk blk tuh leyh rosak. so bpk aku janji nk repair. tp x kesempaiaan sbb die passsed away time umo aku 6. then year after that, kakak aku nyer kwn g la repair pc tuh siap install kan game starcraft for free. aku yg xtaw game alah per tuh tros men. die siap bg list cheat aku. smpi skang aku igt. btw, Starcraft 2 akan kwar bulan julai ni xslp.
4) Then aku men game yg smpi skang popular. CS. first time aku men time umo aku 9. mse tu standard 3 lg. tp mmg trok gler r.. xreti men langsung.. smpi skang aku xterror men game tuh.. haha..
then aku men la mcm2 game cam battlefield gaza 1943, battle realms, warcraft, n mcm2 lg r.. game online jgn ckp r...
tp ada satu game yg wat aku tertarik smpi ialah dota. start men time umo 13, form 1... then aku men on off about 2 years. then aku serious men game tuh bler form 3. smpilah skang..
mcm aku ckp... aku penah men bola, tp aku rse aku da dididik sejak kecik ngn game computer. N kebanyakkan serious hobby seseorang tu bermula sejak kecik cam piano, singing, drawing n mcm2 lg r..
cme 1 jer yg aku terkilan psl org2 sekeliling aku... diorang igt org yg men game nih cam xda life. Smpai ada yg xmatang sbb mcm bdk2 men game. Problemnyer, dorg xpenah kenal aku cmner.. n sper2 yg kenal men game slalu ngn aku rse2nyer taw kowt nper..
ramai yg ckp camtuh sbb dowg igt Vidoe Game ni cam Tetris, Mario n Pacman.
Game2 mcm ni bleyh la dowg kutuk.. tp mcm aku ckp.. aku mmg sorang yg agk competitive... game yg aku men dota, mmg competitive abes dri sumer aspek skill ko ngn teamwork ko di ambik kira.. n aku xleyh tgk orang len lg hebat dr aku... kalo leyh aku nk mng jer..
n aku gak ske wat menda yg orang benci dan xramai wat...
contoh cam Game, rmai xske gamer sbb dowg igt xda life,
then Merentas Desa, ramai join sports for fun n ada yg kter menda ni xmencabar...
aku teringin gak nk jmpe mmbe2 lme skola aku yg ckp cmtuh.. rse nk ajk jer dowg race 20km..
n satu lg rap, mmg dlm idop aku... aku jmpe ibal n naz jer leyh layan rap.
yg len dok kutuk RAP sbb dowg kter rap ni cam smpah.. xmcm music..
well, aku universal, aku lyn mcm2 music.. cme lagu rap aku da start dgr since umo aku 7 tahun..
so bia aku terangkan kat sini,
Aku mmg bkn bdk yg ske hang out every weekend lpk KLCC or PAVI.
aku mmg bkn bdk yg gler bola...
aku mmg bkn bdk yg lyn lagu rock kapak or jiwang2.. sometimes ada gak yg aku layan
Aku ske wat menda yg len dari yg len.. lagi2 kalo mnda tuh orang len xske wat..
nk wat cmner.. mmg aku da dicorak sejak kecil camtuh...
so kesimpulan nyer.. aku rse per sjer yg kiter wat time kecik2 dlu, akan pengaruhi kiter pnyer minat bler kter da bsr..
Ludah Idea

- Zakwan Khidzir
- Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia
- Semua ini lahir dari jari jemari kaku.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Air Dicincang takkan putus, haha xda kne mengena ngn citer nih.
Okay, just finished helping my ex classmates when i was form 4 & 5.
this time, sumpah xbleyh bla.. aku punyer r excited nk jmpe dowg.. then suddenly aku speechless, nta kenapa tbe2 aku wat perangai lme aku yg xreti bergaul ngn orang.
Semalam lepas men dota ngn seyn, die ckp
"Zack, asl bler ko lpk ngn member2 aku ko pendiam dowh? ko kalo bising bez dow"
WTF?? i thought it was annoying..
Si seyn ni member yg plg rapat ngn aku, kitorang ni da mmg ber-dota bersama2 since form 1 lg, lepak uma die almost everyday.. cme die sengal xnk sambung blaja.. tp die byk gler member kat KL ni, KLCC n PAVI n MOS tu mmg playground die.. cume aku x terpengaruh jer.. alhamdulillah.
then jmpe jer teacher kesayangan aku ngn dialek utara penang die, die tye blaja masscomm ktner? haha aku tros jwb kat melaka, then die tye "Asl kurus??" aku tros blank nk jawab per.. haha
aku blk jer uma aku ckp kat mak aku yg aku rse diri aku kurus gler.. die ckp "bagus r 2, kang da gemok susah nk kurus"... aku pegi kat cermin ruang tamu tgk perot aku yg ada 0 packs, tros akak aku meyampuk ckp "awak tu mmg kurus, KEPENG! " aish..
Good news, aku xperlu wat team ngn seyn n chako da.. coz LGC is back. LGC is my ex clan.. established 2 tahun lepas then sumer quit wat hal masing..
leader Rontol (roamer) from Kelana Jaya,
Tamahome @ Schav (main carry) from Philippine.
and me main supporter. skang kitorang tgh recruit player from playdota then established balik Les Gros Con (LGC). Candidate yg paling dekat skang AA_Blood and Cool_Dude. so hopefully 2 players ni leyh men role yg kitorang nak.. huhu..
besok plak ada Reunion utk dak2 klas aku time form 4 & 5,
time utk melantak and kasi perot aku ni gemok.. no more kepeng2. XD
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Strategy is like Rock, Sciccors and Paper.
okay, its already 6.49 in the morning. - (casual Dota game ngn seyn)> After having a casual game with seynsin, kitorang discuss pasal build n skill, then sudddenly die suggest aku try create balik clan yg x jadi nk create tuh.
b4 this penah hampir create A.O.D/G.O.D. tapi x jadi sbb yg len still x ready n blom cukup paham ngn role n strategy masing2.
and aku rse maybe xleyh create dlm massa terdekat ni coz kitorang
still looking for good roamer and semi supporter.
kalo leyh nk wat Chako the Vora jd main carry. then Seynsin jd semicarry/roamer. then aku cam biasa, main supporter and semi carry.
lepas da discuss2 3 jam lebeyh, aku tros direct g lepak uma member aku iqbal the Craziouz. borak2 psl lagu eminem baru ngn upcoming album die Recovery.
so dgn kesempatan ini, aku gunakan utk online FB n update blog aku yg ntah paper. sambil2 aku terangkan latest favorite role n strategy in 6.67c nih kat die.
Tournament pown da dkt,
SGNDT10 (RM50k utk champion! WTF!),
ALIENWARE Challenge,
n of coz ADC10 (hopefully this time KS dpt counter imba broodmother pushing lineup from Starboba). All the best for Malaysia.
thats all aku nyer kuliah subuh. Jap g nk skola nk wat mural ngn classmates time form 4 & 5. rindu siot xjmpe dowg walaopon aku xrapat ngn sumer orang. Then aku nk cakap ngn bangganya kat dowg yg aku ni Masscommer ! haha.. sumpah xda keje. - (casual Dota game ngn seyn)> After having a casual game with seynsin, kitorang discuss pasal build n skill, then sudddenly die suggest aku try create balik clan yg x jadi nk create tuh.
b4 this penah hampir create A.O.D/G.O.D. tapi x jadi sbb yg len still x ready n blom cukup paham ngn role n strategy masing2.
and aku rse maybe xleyh create dlm massa terdekat ni coz kitorang
still looking for good roamer and semi supporter.
kalo leyh nk wat Chako the Vora jd main carry. then Seynsin jd semicarry/roamer. then aku cam biasa, main supporter and semi carry.
lepas da discuss2 3 jam lebeyh, aku tros direct g lepak uma member aku iqbal the Craziouz. borak2 psl lagu eminem baru ngn upcoming album die Recovery.
so dgn kesempatan ini, aku gunakan utk online FB n update blog aku yg ntah paper. sambil2 aku terangkan latest favorite role n strategy in 6.67c nih kat die.
Tournament pown da dkt,
SGNDT10 (RM50k utk champion! WTF!),
ALIENWARE Challenge,
n of coz ADC10 (hopefully this time KS dpt counter imba broodmother pushing lineup from Starboba). All the best for Malaysia.
thats all aku nyer kuliah subuh. Jap g nk skola nk wat mural ngn classmates time form 4 & 5. rindu siot xjmpe dowg walaopon aku xrapat ngn sumer orang. Then aku nk cakap ngn bangganya kat dowg yg aku ni Masscommer ! haha.. sumpah xda keje.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Not Afraid
I’m not afraid to take a standEverybody come take my hand
We’ll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather cold or warm
Just let you know that, you’re not alone
Holla if you feel like you’ve been down the same road...
"Ok quit playin’ with the scissors and sh-t, and cut the crap
I shouldn’t have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it’s a rap
You said you was king, you lied through your teeth
For that f-ck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you’re getting capped
And to the fans, I’ll never let you down again, I’m back
I promise to never go back on that promise"
I shouldn’t have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it’s a rap
You said you was king, you lied through your teeth
For that f-ck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you’re getting capped
And to the fans, I’ll never let you down again, I’m back
I promise to never go back on that promise"
DAMN... this song is fucking sick!
Ive lost my thumbdrive 2 weeks ago.. ada dlm 400++ raps songs kat dlm 2.
Lepas dgr lagu nih jer, aku tros rse semangat gler ow..
One Word >>> EPIC
P/S skang lagu ni #7 kat Billboard. New album Recovery release out June 22th.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
One two, one two, one two three,
here come the story,
lemme start it from the family tree.
He got 1 lovely mother,
5 beautiful sisters,
and 1 only brother.
he is the last one, he is the last son,
and he is the one who always had all the fun.
He have no father,
he lost his father when he was six.
he understand that his father died because he was sick.
but he didn't feel lonely.
Simply because he loves to act like crazy,
wonder who the hell this guy is?
lemme tell ya,
that guys is me!
his hometown not so far away from klcc,
just take the LRT,
Poof, there he will be.
He dreamed to to step in NYC,
But never dreamed of becoming a celebrity.
Thanks to my friends who love to "LIKE" my facebook status.
I promise u guys next time my rap will be the baddass.
i know no one will ever listen to the dream of this kid,
no one will even give a fuck to this shit.
This is it, he is going to step out and shows them some power.
His new nick now is The Joker.
U hear that motherfucker?
U already hear the name,
i can ensure u nxt time it wont be the same,
never again..
♪...when you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there.. life is not a race so take it slower... hear the music before the song is over..♪
P/S : tbe2 ak leyh freestyle lps dgr lagu techno ntah paper.. pelik gler.. tros ak dpt idea nk tulis yg mne ak igt.. huhu..
here come the story,
lemme start it from the family tree.
He got 1 lovely mother,
5 beautiful sisters,
and 1 only brother.
he is the last one, he is the last son,
and he is the one who always had all the fun.
He have no father,
he lost his father when he was six.
he understand that his father died because he was sick.
but he didn't feel lonely.
Simply because he loves to act like crazy,
wonder who the hell this guy is?
lemme tell ya,
that guys is me!
his hometown not so far away from klcc,
just take the LRT,
Poof, there he will be.
He dreamed to to step in NYC,
But never dreamed of becoming a celebrity.
Thanks to my friends who love to "LIKE" my facebook status.
I promise u guys next time my rap will be the baddass.
i know no one will ever listen to the dream of this kid,
no one will even give a fuck to this shit.
This is it, he is going to step out and shows them some power.
His new nick now is The Joker.
U hear that motherfucker?
U already hear the name,
i can ensure u nxt time it wont be the same,
never again..
♪...when you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there.. life is not a race so take it slower... hear the music before the song is over..♪
P/S : tbe2 ak leyh freestyle lps dgr lagu techno ntah paper.. pelik gler.. tros ak dpt idea nk tulis yg mne ak igt.. huhu..
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